Problem of Two
The voice is horrible
Nasal. I can hear her throat. I can see the shape of it.
It’s lazy and clogged.
Throat clear throat clear. Get her out of here.
Get her out of my sight.
If she’s silent it’s better
It’s more prettier and better be.
I’ll be done with hearing from her for now.
They are better than me: This They, capital T. Hey with capital Tee.
She is me. He is me. We is you and you is They.
They are black and white and noses turned upward.
They are black and white and noses turned upward.
They are here to stay. They will be here and you will behave
You will behave like two.
Risk and recovery.
Two growing outward to coming back together
Fission to unission in fresh fashion fusion.
The pain can go away if you beat it with an open fist. That is a fist that is open.
Not a fist. Not a fist. Just a hand. Not open or closed just a hand. Any hand is a helping hand. Any
hand can reach the sky if you don’t ask. Don’t ask. Don’t ask.
Let it go. Let it go now. Your tendency to clutch is petulant and
Filthified hands that clutch. Oh wretched hands.
Better to be without those. Those are wretched indeed. They are endlessly needing. Needing touching.
Wanting to touch. Worse, withholding.
Better we were without. Only
they are here to stay.
They will be here and they will behave as two.
Deal with your hands.